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Sustainable development: Rinnovabili.it reports on the First Siena Solutions Conference

Live Twitter news, video interviews and detailed coverage of this important three-day meeting in Tuscany: Rinnovabili.it will be there, reporting on an exciting international event devoted to environmental sustainability

certosadipontignanoEnvironment, development, energy, and corporate social responsibility will be at the heart of the First Siena Solutions Conference: Sustainable Development Solutions for the Mediterranean Region, 3-5 July. The momentous international event, devoted to sustainable development in the Mediterranean region, is organized by MED Solutions, Siena University’s Center for the Mediterranean, which coordinates the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network. Experts, representatives of international bodies and institutions, researchers, academics and students will meet to hone proposals for concrete and immediately applicable “solutions”. The Call for Proposals for Solutions Initiatives in the Mediterranean Region, which expired on May 25th, collected 38 proposals. Five of them, three from research groups and two from students, were selected to be presented to the Conference, to promote discussion and new partnerships.

“Besides finding sustainable development solutions – said Angelo Riccaboni, the Chancellor of Siena University at the press conference presenting the event – the Conference intends to contribute to the debate on the sustainable development goals to be pursued from January 1st 2016”.

Rinnovabili.it, the Italian media partner of the event, will report on the high-profile three-day meeting with rich multimedia contents. Rinnovabili.it, the sustainable development online magazine edited by Mauro Spagnolo, will closely follow the event from its opening today to the farewell speeches, giving maximum prominence to the contributions of the over 90 participants. In line with its mission, Rinnovabili.it will offer full news coverage, including tweets on its page Twitter@rinnovabiliit (official hashtag #MEDSOL13). We will also closely follow the Italian and international participants with video interviews that will be posted on the magazine website www.rinnovabili.it and on its YouTube page https://www.youtube.com/user/Rinnovabili1.