The VedoGreen Observatory has drawn up a map of outstanding green private companies in Italy: 13 of them listed and another 50 not trading on the Italian Stock Exchange
“The green industry in Europe – explains Anna Lambiase, CEO of VedoGreen – also grew in 2011, with a positive performance in terms of turnover and EBITDA (Earnings Before Taxes, Interest, Depreciation, and Amortisation) […]For 2012, the outlook is positive for the UK, mainly thanks to the important R&D activity carried out, and for the Scandinavian nations, which remain top of the list in terms of solidity and order portfolios; for France and Germany, a significant reduction in margins is forecast”.
For Italy, VedoGreen has selected a panel of 13 companies listed on the Italian stock exchange and with a share capital of € 500 million and a business model focused on renewable energies and waste management. Together with these are a further 50 green companies which, according to the survey, have share capital with a potential market value of € 4.5 billion, a total turnover of around € 3 billion, and employ some 7,700 people.
“The analysis conducted into the perception of investors by IR Top for VedoGreen – continues Lambiase – shows there is great potential for investment in the green economy over the coming decade, led mainly by the high level of innovation the green industry is able to offer, especially in the newer segments of industry linked to energy efficiency, eco-mobility, smart grids/smart cities and eco-sustainable building.”