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Clini: in 2 years, electricity produced from RES to reach 30%

The government’s aim is to increase the current share of energy from renewable resources by 3% by 2014

(Rinnovabili.it) – An increase from today’s figure of 27% up to 30% in just two years. This is the promised made by Corrado Clini regarding the production of energy from renewable sources. The Minister of the Environment, speaking this morning at the seminar “The green challenge: how to finance it, made it clear that the Government intends to increase the proportion of electrical energy produced from renewable sources in Italy.

Clini’s view is that all those business in Italy operating within the framework of green energies currently represent “the healthy part of the Italian economy”. These are companies with a strong focus on exports and that today are growing “partly thanks to the aids contemplated by national policies”. Also on the subject of how to finance the green challenge, the Minister announced that the upcoming Council of Ministers will be examining the question of Tax Credit for investments in infrastructures and innovation.